Issue - meetings

Castle Weir Micro Hydro Scheme - Update

Meeting: 10/01/2012 - Executive (Item 544)

544 Castle Weir Micro Hydro Scheme - Update pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the revised business case for the design and build of a micro hydro scheme at Castle Weir, Hertford, as now detailed, be approved.


The Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment submitted an update on the capital investment proposal for the installation of a micro hydro generation scheme at Castle Weir, Hertford.


He expressed his frustration at the delays in the project caused by lengthy negotiations with the Environment Agency, who were required to approve the scheme formally, before any works could start.  Details of the protracted discussions were set out in the report now submitted.


The Executive Member set out a revised business case and timeframe in the report now submitted.


The Executive approved the revised business case as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that the revised business case for the design and build of a micro hydro scheme at Castle Weir, Hertford, as now detailed, be approved.