Issue - meetings

Review of Discretionary Rate Relief (2)

Meeting: 06/12/2011 - Executive (Item 463)

Review of Discretionary Rate Relief (1)

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report reviewing the Discretionary Rate Relief policy, with view to reducing the budget by £30,000, in line with the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP).


The Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting held on 29 November 2011, had made some recommendations on areas where discretionary relief could be reduced.  The Executive Member commented that these, broadly, were in line with his proposal.  He proposed reducing top up relief from 20% to 10% except for Citizens Advice Bureaux and SLM Ltd, withdrawing rural relief for pubs and petrol filling stations, and withdrawing sports clubs with or without bars from charitable relief.  He did not propose any changes to post offices and shops.


The Executive Member also suggested that a clearer definition of national charities was needed.  In response to questions raised on village halls, the Executive Member undertook to review their position and provide clarification at the Council meeting on 14 December 2011. 


The Executive Member acknowledged that his proposals might result in some hardship cases, for which, he suggested a safety net, by way of representation being made, via the local member, to him for consideration in consultation with the Director of Internal Services.


In response to concerns raised in respect of museums, it was suggested that Members might wish to utilise their grants budget to fund any revenue gaps.


The Executive recommended the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) Discretionary Rate Relief be amended as follows:


(1)       Discretionary Charitable (Top Up) Relief be reduced from 20% to 10%, except for Citizens Advice Bureaux and SLM Ltd, subject to a clearer definition of national charities and a further review of village halls;


(2)       Discretionary Rural Relief be withdrawn for pubs and petrol filling stations;


(3)       Discretionary Charitable Relief be withdrawn for sports clubs with or without a bar.


(B)      in cases of extreme hardship at (2) above, applications via a local Member may be made for consideration by the Executive Member for Finance in consultation with the Director of Internal Services.


(see also Minute 474 below)