Replacement Gym Equipment at Fanshawe and Leventhorpe Pools (1)
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted an “invest to save” proposal for capital expenditure to fund the replacement of gym equipment at Fanshawe and Leventhorpe gyms. She proposed that the Council’s Procurement Regulations be waived so that SLM Ltd could purchase the equipment on the Council’s behalf. This would deliver better value for money and would generate a revenue saving over the remaining seven years of the leisure contract.
The Executive recommended the proposal as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED - that a £113,000 Capital Expenditure bid to fund the replacement of gym equipment at the Fanshawe Pool & Gym and Leventhorpe Pool & Gym on an ‘invest to save’ basis, be approved, £84,000 to be spent at Fanshawe Pool & Gym in the current year 2011/12 and £29,000 at Leventhorpe Pool & Gym in 2012/13.
(see also Minute 473 below)