Issue - meetings

Flyposting Powers for Town Councils

Meeting: 06/12/2011 - Executive (Item 472)

472 Flyposting Powers for Town Councils pdf icon PDF 41 KB

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RESOLVED - that the Director of Neighbourhood Services be delegated authority to pursue an agreement, the purpose of which will be to enable Town Councils to take up fly-posting removal powers, generally in accordance with the suggestions set out in this report and in consultation with the portfolio holder for Community Safety and Environment.


The Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment submitted a report proposing a shared responsibility approach in dealing with flyposting.  He reminded the Executive of the previous decision taken on this matter and the subsequent discussions held with Town Councils.


Various Members welcomed the proposal and thanked Officers for their efforts.  The Executive approved the proposal as now detailed.


RESOLVED - that the Director of Neighbourhood Services be delegated authority to pursue an agreement, the purpose of which will be to enable Town Councils to take up fly-posting removal powers, generally in accordance with the suggestions set out in this report and in consultation with the portfolio holder for Community Safety and Environment.