Replacement Gym Equipment at Fanshawe and Leventhorpe pools
Minute 462 refers.
RESOLVED - that a £113,000 Capital Expenditure bid to fund the replacement of gym equipment at the Fanshawe Pool & Gym and Leventhorpe Pool & Gym on an ‘invest to save’ basis, be approved, £84,000 to be spent at Fanshawe Pool & Gym in the current year 2011/12 and £29,000 at Leventhorpe Pool & Gym in 2012/13.
473 Replacement Gym Equipment at Fanshawe and Leventhorpe pools (2) PDF 39 KB
Additional documents:
RESOLVED - that a waiver of the EHC Procurement Regulations [in accordance with PR 12.1] be approved, to allow SLM Ltd, the Council’s contracted leisure management contractor, to purchase gym equipment and associated packages on the Council’s behalf to secure better value for money than the normal purchasing process.
The Executive approved the waiver of Procurement Regulations as now detailed.
RESOLVED - that a waiver of the EHC Procurement Regulations [in accordance with PR 12.1] be approved, to allow SLM Ltd, the Council’s contracted leisure management contractor, to purchase gym equipment and associated packages on the Council’s behalf to secure better value for money than the normal purchasing process.
(see also Minute 462 above)