Review of Discretionary Rate Relief
Minute 463 refers.
The Executive Member for Finance referred to the consideration of this matter at the Executive meeting held on 6 December 2011, and his undertaking to review further the position in respect of village halls. He also referred to the many comments he had received from Members and the general public in respect of the potential impact of the proposals on scout groups. As a result, he proposed deleting recommendation (A)(1) and (B), so that there would be no change to Discretionary Charitable (Top Up) Relief.
In response to a question from Councillor M Newman on the impact on a petrol station in his ward, the Executive Member suggested that utilising councillor grants might be appropriate and that this specific case could be looked at.
Council approved the revised proposals as now detailed.
RESOLVED – that Discretionary Rate Relief be amended as follows:
(1) Discretionary Rural Relief be withdrawn for pubs and petrol filling stations; and
(2) Discretionary Charitable Relief be withdrawn for sports clubs with or without a bar.
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Additional documents:
RESOLVED – that the comments of the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee be received.
The Executive reviewed the Discretionary Rate Relief policy.
RESOLVED – that the comments of the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee be received.
(see also Minute 463 above)
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Additional documents:
The Director of Internal Services submitted a report on some potential options to reduce the current budget for Discretionary Rate Relief (DRR) from 1 April 2012 as proposed in the Medium Term Financial Plan.
The Committee considered organisations which might receive reduced discretionary rate relief and decided to make the comments detailed below to the Executive. They noted comments on the adverse effect this could have on some groups.
RESOLVED - that the Executive be informed that the following organisations could be considered for a reduction in the discretionary element of their rate relief:
· Pubs
· Petrol filling stations
· Sports clubs with and without bars
· Village Halls (reduce by 5%)
· Charities – where their funding comes from national/central sources