Issue - meetings

November Work Programme

Meeting: 27/11/2012 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 448)

448 Scrutiny Work Programme pdf icon PDF 22 KB

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Officer submitted a report setting out the future programme for the Committee.


It was noted that there would be two joint meetings of scrutiny in January and February 2013.   Members were informed that it was anticipated that Officers would report on Information Security and Governance to the Corporate Business Scrutiny meeting on 19 March 2013 when that meeting would also receive a progress report following recent agreement for the corporate website action plan.  The Scrutiny Officer also advised Members that training for the committee’s new governance role in respect of information security needed to be programmed in to the new civic year.  This was noted and agreed.


Councillor J Wing referred to the issue of Section 106 Agreements and their administration, which had more recently been discussed at Audit Committee.  The Chairman undertook to liaise with the Chairman of Audit Committee on this matter.


Members noted and supported amendments to the Work Programme.


RESOLVED – that the Work Programme, as amended, be approved.