Issue - meetings

Parking and Transport Strategy

Meeting: 04/07/2012 - Council (Item 131)

Parking and Transport Strategy

Minute 74 refers

Additional documents:


The Leader outlined the background to the formulation of the policy statements that would shape the development of the Parking Service and the Council’s wider approach to transportation issues across the District.  He referred to the Executive’s consideration of this matter and suggested that an additional statement relating to sustainable transport be included.  He proposed the following:


·                        We will seek to maintain car parking income at current levels in real terms.


·                        We will seek to ensure that users pay for the parking service rather than the council tax payer.


·                        We will promote existing and explore new technologies to improve the overall convenience of parking in East Herts.


·                        We will seek where possible and appropriate to match parking capacity with demand.


·                        We will seek to develop and implement parking solutions that reflect local needs.


·                        We will make the economic vitality of East Herts a core consideration when developing parking services.


·                        We will continue to work with other partners to look at what additional sustainable transport services may be appropriate and deliverable.


In response to various comments and questions, the Leader referred to the Executive Member for Economic Development’s proposed consultation with stakeholders and requested Officers to provide the information requested on the “Ringo” system via the Members’ Information Bulletin.


Council approved the policy statements as now revised.


RESOLVED – that the policy statements as now detailed, be approved.

Meeting: 19/06/2012 - Executive (Item 74)

74 Parking and Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 22 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report seeking support for a number of policy statements drawn from the Parking and Transport Strategy.  The Executive recalled that, at its previous meeting, it had considered the Strategy and requested Officers to formulate these statements.


The Executive Member commented that the proposed statements, as now detailed, if adopted, would shape the development of the Parking Service and the Council’s wider approach to transportation issues across the District.  


·                        We will seek to maintain car parking income at current levels in real terms.


·                        We will seek to ensure that users pay for the parking service rather than the council tax payer.


·                        We will promote existing and explore new technologies to improve the overall convenience of parking in East Herts.


·                        We will seek where possible and appropriate to match parking capacity with demand.


·                        We will seek to develop and implement parking solutions that reflect local needs.


·                        We will make the economic vitality of East Herts a core consideration when developing parking services.


Councillor E Buckmaster commented on the order of the statements and wondered whether the last statement on economic vitality should appear at the top of the list.  He also suggested strengthening one or two, by for example, including reference to reducing traffic congestion and air pollution.  Finally, he commented that cooperation with other bodies on transport strategies should be included.


The Leader commented that the Executive would look at these suggestions further and tweak the proposals as necessary when determined by Council.


The Executive recommended the policy statements.


RECOMMENDED – that the policy statements as now detailed, be approved.

Meeting: 22/05/2012 - Executive (Item 32)

32 Parking and Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) the work undertaken on the development of East Herts Council’s first Parking and Transport Strategy, be noted;


(B)     Officers be requested, in consultation with the Executive Member for Economic Development, to bring forward specific policy recommendations for consideration and adoption by Council at its next meeting; and


(C)    in the event that the recommendations in (B) above are approved, Officers be requested to identify key potential projects and an outline action plan in line with these policies, to be submitted to the next Executive meeting.


The Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport submitted a report proposing the adoption of a Parking and Transport Strategy.  He commented that the proposed Strategy was intended to provide a position statement and a strategic framework for more specific proposals to come forward later.


The Executive Member thanked the Environment Scrutiny Committee, Task and Finish group Members and Officers for their work in developing the Strategy.  He also thanked residents and community and business representatives for their contribution and input.


Various Members commented on the need to strengthen the economic vitality of towns and for this not to be compromised by certain parking options, such as on-street parking charges.  The need for consultation with disabled people on blue badge policies were also acknowledged.  Reference was also made to the need for realistic aspirations particularly for rural communities.


The Leader acknowledged the comments made and stated that the proposed Strategy did not commit to any specific measures.  The Executive Member for Economic Development also commented on the need for parking policies to support the economic vitality of town centres.  With this in mind, he proposed an alternative recommendation that would seek to achieve specific policy recommendations being submitted for consideration at the next Council meeting.


The Executive approved the revised recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the work undertaken on the development of East Herts Council’s first Parking and Transport Strategy, be noted;


(B)      Officers be requested, in consultation with the Executive Member for Economic Development, to bring forward specific policy recommendations for consideration and adoption by Council at its next meeting; and


(C)      in the event that the recommendations in (B) above are approved, Officers be requested to identify key potential projects and an outline action plan in line with these policies, to be submitted to the next Executive meeting.