Issue - meetings

Equalities Update

Meeting: 22/11/2011 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 439)

439 Equalities: Delivering better services for our Customers pdf icon PDF 45 KB

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The Director of Customer and Community Services submitted a report updating Members on progress made since the last annual report was presented to Community Scrutiny Committee.  The report also alerted Members to the evolving equalities legislation, particularly, Section 149 of The Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty which came into force in April 2011.


Members were referred to pages 34 – 36 of the report now submitted for the findings of the equality assessment programme.  The Community Projects Officer (Equalities) stated that any subsequent changes to the Council’s existing policies would be minor in nature.


The Equalities Officer advised that all previous equality issues such as race, gender or disability were now referred to as protected characteristics following changes to equalities legislation and the public sector equality duty.


Councillor C Woodward referred to his concerns that, following the impending “go live” date for the Revenues and Benefits Shared Service, there could be issues with the service being “Stevenage-centric” and the equality of service provision suffering as a result.


The Director emphasised that this should not be an issue as the Revenues and Benefits Shared Service was not relocating to Stevenage and Officers from that Authority would be coming to East Herts.  Members were advised that an equalities impact assessment would be carried out for the new shared service.


Councillor N Symonds expressed concerns that, despite the excellent efforts of the Officers based at Bishop’s Stortford, vulnerable clients were still falling through the net and ending up in court for relatively small amounts of debt.


The Director advised that if Members were aware of any vulnerable clients they should be reported to the team so that Officers could investigate.  Councillor Symonds stated that she was in regular contact with the Head of Service and her team.  The Director commented that by the time the courts and bailiffs had become involved, Officers would have already done all they could for those people in greatest need.


Councillor P Ruffles stated that the support offered by the East Herts Council Officers responsible for looking after vulnerable residents cheered him enormously.  He thanked Officers for their enthusiasm for this important task.


Councillor P Moore expressed concerns that 16 to 17 year olds were receiving priority in terms of housing need when there were whole families in dire need of housing.  The Director stated that he would seek a written response from the Housing Strategy and Policy Manager.


Members had a general discussion around Youth Councils across the District.  The Committee was advised that the East Herts Youth Council had been disbanded but there was an active Youth Council in Bishop’s Stortford.  Councillor S Bull stated that Buntingford also had a very active Youth Council. 


In response to a query from Councillor C Woodward in respect of recruitment, the Director advised that Manpower ensured that all appropriate standards were met and maintained in relation to equalities and recruitment at East Herts Council.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 439