Issue - meetings

Update on BPI Improvement and Development Plan for Grants

Meeting: 22/11/2011 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 438)

438 Update on Community Grants pdf icon PDF 50 KB

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The Community Planning and Partnerships Manager submitted a report updating Members on the community grants process, in particular, the range of grant “pots” and how they might be refocused to better achieve the Council’s corporate priorities.


Members were advised that an Officer review of grants had suggested the use of a single grants fund would simplify the decision making process.  A more flexible approach would allow budgets to be allocated purely on the basis of demand.


Another proposal considered was that Officers  could be granted delegated authority to authorise grants up to £2000.  A smaller grants process with a lighter touch could be used so that grants of this size were allocated quickly.  Members were advised that special one off criteria for grants could be put in place in relation to the 2012 Olympics and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.


In response to a query from Councillor E Buckmaster, the Community Planning and Partnerships Manager confirmed that if Officers were provided with more flexibility then any under spend could be used in future rather then being lost at the end of the year.


Councillor P Ruffles commented that a less bureaucratic approach should be adopted, in line with the County Council locality budgets.  The Director of Customer and Community Services advised that, as this would require a policy change, a decision would have to be taken by the Executive or Council.


Councillor G McAndrew stated that a small working group could be set up to discuss Community Grants in more detail and bring back recommendations to the Community Scrutiny Committee.  Councillor C Woodward agreed that Officers should have more delegated authority to take decisions in respect of Community Grants.


Councillor T Herbert stated that if Members were to have more responsibility in relation to Community Grant allocations then appropriate guidance should be made available to Councillors.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) progress on community grants processes as detailed in Section 2.2 of the report now submitted be noted; and


(B)   a short-life advisory working group of Members and lead Officers be set up to discuss Community Grants in more detail and bring back recommendations to the Community Scrutiny Committee.