Issue - meetings

External Audit report on Financial Resilience

Meeting: 21/09/2011 - Audit Committee (Item 314)

314 Financial Resilience - Presentation by Grant Thornton pdf icon PDF 1 MB


A presentation was provided by Grant Thornton on a review of the Council’s arrangement for securing financial resilience.  The review focussed on key indicators of financial performance, approaches to strategic financial planning, financial governance and financial control. 


In all areas mentioned above, an overall assessment of “Green” had been given - there were no causes for concern.  Having said that, the External Auditors had made a number of recommendations which had been agreed by senior officers.


Nick Taylor undertook to forward to the Council the detailed report on the review of the Council’s arrangements for securing financial resilience so that this could be appended or linked to the Minutes to provide more detailed information. 


Members received the presentation.


RESOLVED – that the presentation be received.