Issue - meetings

External Audit Annual Repolrt to those charged with Governances (ISA 260 Report)

Meeting: 21/09/2011 - Audit Committee (Item 315)

315 External Auditor's Annual Report to those charged with Governance (ISA 260) pdf icon PDF 231 KB


The External Auditor submitted the Annual Report to those charged with Governance (ISA 260) which had been circulated widely to a number of Council committees.  The External Auditor drew attention to a number of adjustments in relation to the Hertford Theatre and the short term investments held by the Fund Managers which had been reclassified and in relation a the disposal by auction of a property which had been  adjusted to show this as a £25k additional gain on disposal rather than a revaluation.


It was noted that the Audit Commission had completed its work on the Pension Fund and that there was no Pension Fund liabilities this year.


The External Auditor stated that the Accounts could now be signed off.


The Chairman thanked the External Auditors for their report. 


Members received the report.


RESOLVED – that the report be received.