Issue - meetings

Bishop’s Stortford 20 20 Vision and Goods Yard Site Brief

Meeting: 06/07/2011 - Council (Item 143)

Bishop’s Stortford 20 20 Vision and Goods Yard Site Brief

(Decision Sheet Item No 1 refers)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - that (A) the Draft Bishop’s Stortford Goods Yard Site Development Brief as now submitted is adopted as the Council’s vision and objectives for the site, subject to the following amendments:


Page 41, Item 6 – insert “not” before “become a competitor to Harlow…”

to read “A development centred on the Goods Yard site would greatly ease the congestion in the town centre but it should not become a competitor to Harlow or Cambridge.”


Page 56, paragraph 9.6.4 – insert after “…to consider a range of building heights” the words “up to” and delete the words “…varying between 3 storeys and”

to read “The Council is satisfied that across such a large site it would be appropriate to consider a range of building heights up to 6 storeys.”


Page 62, paragraph 14.5 – insert a full stop after “...effected to some degree by a number of different contaminants”

to read “Much of the made ground appears to have been effected to some degree by a number of different contaminants.  Groundwater and the adjacent river are considered vulnerable to off-site migration.”


(B)     minor amendments are delegated to the Director of Customer and Community Services in consultation with the Leader; and


(C)    used for development control purposes in determining planning applications relating to the site; and


(D)    used to inform emerging Local Development Framework strategies and policies.


Meeting: 05/07/2011 - Executive (Item 119)

119 Bishop’s Stortford 20 20 Vision and Goods Yard Site Brief pdf icon PDF 384 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council submitted a report seeking approval for a Development Brief for the area known as the Goods Yard site in Bishop’s Stortford.


The Executive noted the progress made by the Bishop’s Stortford 20 20 Group and the consultation that had been undertaken in producing the Brief as now submitted.  If adopted, the Brief would become a strong material consideration for development control purposes and would inform the Local Development Framework.


The Leader drew attention to the additional comments that had been received from members of the 20 20 Group as detailed in the supplementary agenda.  He proposed that the suggested amendments detailed at items 2 and 13 be supported, which was agreed by the Executive.


In response to comments by Members, the Executive noted that Officers would consider further the issue of taxis in relation to a fully integrated transport interchange.  In respect of Building Heights at paragraph 9.6.4, the Executive agreed to support an amendment to the effect that a range of building heights up to 6 storeys would be appropriate to consider.


The Executive supported the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the Draft Bishop’s Stortford Goods Yard Site Development Brief as now submitted is adopted as the Council’s vision and objectives for the site, subject to the following amendments:


(1)     Page 41, Item 6 – insert “not” before “become a competitor to Harlow…”

to read “A development centred on the Goods Yard site would greatly ease the congestion in the town centre but it should not become a competitor to Harlow or Cambridge.”


(2)     Page 56, paragraph 9.6.4 – insert after “…to consider a range of building heights” the words “up to” and delete the words “…varying between 3 storeys and”

to read “The Council is satisfied that across such a large site it would be appropriate to consider a range of building heights up to 6 storeys.”


(3)     Page 62, paragraph 14.5 – insert a full stop after “...effected to some degree by a number of different contaminants”

to read “Much of the made ground appears to have been effected to some degree by a number of different contaminants.  Groundwater and the adjacent river are considered vulnerable to off-site migration.”


(B)    minor amendments are delegated to the Director of Customer and Community Services in consultation with the Leader; and


(C)    used for development control purposes in determining planning applications relating to the site; and


(D)    used to inform emerging Local Development Framework strategies and policies.