Issue - meetings

Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - May 2011

Meeting: 06/07/2011 - Council (Item 146)

Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - May 2011

(Decision Sheet Item 4 refers)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - that a supplementary Capital estimate of £77.5k against the Council’s Leisure Development Capital project, be approved.


Meeting: 05/07/2011 - Executive (Item 122)

122 Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - May 2011 (1) pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader submitted an exception report on finance and performance monitoring for May 2011.


The Executive supported the supplementary capital estimate as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED - that a supplementary Capital estimate of £77.5k against the Council’s Leisure Development Capital project, be approved.


(see also Minute 130 below)