458 Corporate Healthcheck to September 2011 PDF 129 KB
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The Leader of the Council submitted an exception report on the finance and performance monitoring for East Herts Council for September/Quarter 2 2011.
A minor correction to EHPI 3a and 3b relating to number of people swimming was given to Members.
The Committee noted that there had been some delay in implementing savings in the MTFP because a restructure of senior management had been undertaken, which had delayed implementation of staff changes below this level. Savings were being made elsewhere to compensate for this.
Members were pleased to see that the time taken to process Housing and Council Tax Benefit claims had reduced significantly, particularly at a time when the service was going through a period of change. They asked for a message of thanks to be passed to the team for their hard work on this.
The Committee decided to note the budget variances and performance.
RESOLVED – that the report be noted.