Issue - meetings

Review of progress on community and public engagement

Meeting: 29/11/2011 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 455)

455 Community and public engagement pdf icon PDF 34 KB

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The Chairman of the Community and Public Engagement task and finish group submitted a report updating the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee on progress on and amendments to work arising from recommendations of the task and finish group.


The Committee discussed the actions taken so far and commented on funding for Ward members initiating community engagement on local issues, the need to keep Parish Councils, as well as Town Councils, informed of Council press releases and the readability of Link magazine in A5 format.


The Committee decided to note the report subject to the comments detailed below.


RESOLVED - that (A) progress be noted;


(B)       Ward Members be supported to initiate public engagement on issues of local concern and a light touch procedure for requests for funding for this be put in place; and


(C)       the task and finish group be reconvened in one year’s time to review public response and wider feedback on the new A5 format for Link magazine and to look at the Council’s social media activities,  including its use by Hertford Theatre.