670 Service Plans 2012/13 PDF 32 KB
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RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, as now submitted, be received and accepted; and
(B) the service plan activity for 2012/13, as now submitted, be approved.
The Leader of the Council submitted a report setting out planned service activity for 2012/13. He referred to the comments submitted by the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees held on 14 February 2012, and stated that the Executive accepted these. He referred to the need for more measurable outcomes to be identified and encouraged Officers to look at a more focussed approach.
Councillor M Wood referred to previous comments he had made at other meetings in respect of leaf clearance and the impact this had on the elderly. He reiterated his request that greater priority be given by Officers to addressing the issues he had raised.
The Leader reminded Members that the District Council did not have primary responsibility for this issue and that Officers should be encouraged to work with partners. He suggested that, if there were particular problem locations, these should be referred to the relevant Executive Member. The Leader stated that resources were targeted at problem locations.
In response to a question by Councillor N Poulton, the Leader commented that Officers could look at how leaf collection was dealt with in rural locations.
In response to a question by Councillor N Symonds relating to the establishment of Friends of Waytemore Castle, Councillor C Woodward stated that this had been a County Council initiative and that he would make further enquiries.
The Executive approved the recommendations as now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, as now submitted, be received and accepted; and
(B) the service plan activity for 2012/13, as now submitted, be approved.
612 Service Plans 2012/13 PDF 31 KB
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The Leader of the Council submitted a report on Service Plans for 2012/13. The Service Plans were produced every year by Heads of Service and set out the key actions that needed to be undertaken to deliver the corporate priorities and key objectives of the Council in line with the budget.
The Committees were invited to make recommendations to the Executive.
Councillor P Phillips commented that many of the service plan objectives, as currently worded, would be difficult to measure and hard to prove successful completion.
Councillor J Mayes commented that some of the target dates detailed in the service plans suggested an unnecessary amount of time before the commencement of work to complete the actions concerned.
Members were reminded that the service plan activity would be undertaken throughout the year and Officers intended the work to be completed by the due dates detailed in the report now submitted.
Councillor J Ranger stated there the Authority should consider more collaboration with other Local Authorities in respect of procurement activity. He cited an example of three Authorities in west Hertfordshire that had merged all activities in relation to procurement.
In response to a further query from Councillor Ranger, the Director of Neighbourhood Services advised that local fee setting for planning applications was the result of suggested changes from central government that would allow local Authorities to independently set fees for the submission of planning applications. Members were reminded that ‘local’ in this respect referred to District-wide not town by town.
Councillor M Pope emphasised that there should be a joint approach to addressing problems with litter associated with fast food outlets across the District. Councillors P Phillips and M Wood both highlighted the problems resulting from the lack of leaf clearance activity in East Herts.
The Joint Committees decided to recommend approval to the Executive of the Service Plan activity for 2010/11, subject to consideration of 3 additional areas of activity now detailed.
RESOLVED – that the Executive be informed that the Joint Scrutiny Committees consider (A) the Service Plan activity for 2011/12 now submitted should be approved;
(B) the outcomes detailed in the Service Plans should be more measurable;
(C) opportunities should be explored for a joint approach to litter clearance activities in the vicinity of fast food outlets; and
(D) Officers should explore cooperative and partnership approaches to timely litter and leaf clearance across the District.