Service Estimates - Probable Outturn 2011/12: Revenue Budget 2012/13
Minute 602 refers.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 17 January 2012 be received; and
(B) the probable Revenue Estimates for 2011/12 and the draft Revenue Estimates for 2012/13 be approved.
602 Service Estimates - Probable Outturn 2011/12: Revenue Budget 2012/13 PDF 51 KB
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report on the service estimates. The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, at their meeting held on 17 January 2012, had supported the proposals.
The Executive commended the proposals now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 17 January 2012 be received; and
(B) the probable Revenue Estimates for 2011/12 and the draft Revenue Estimates for 2012/13 be approved.
570 Service Estimates - Probable Outturn 2011/12: Revenue Budget 2012/13 PDF 51 KB
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report on the estimate of all general fund services. The report focussed on the revenue estimate process, which was due to conclude at the Council meeting on 7 March 2012 when a formal resolution setting the 2012/13 Council Tax would be approved.
Members were advised of an error in paragraph 2.13 in that the capital finance costs figure for 2011/12 should have read £4,442,000 and the figure for 2012/13 should have read £4,488,000.
In response to a query from Councillor J Wing in respect of paragraph 5.18 and the probable and estimated calls on the Local Authority Business Growth Grant, the Director of Internal Services advised that these figures would reduce to £0.
Councillor J Wing proposed and Councillor M Pope seconded, a motion that resources be made available from the savings indicated that had been made on the street cleansing contract for more frequent street cleansing outside of town centres.
After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared LOST.
Members decided to inform the Executive that the Joint Scrutiny Committees had supported the probable revenue budget for 2011/12 as well as the estimates for 2012/13.
RESOLVED – that the Executive be informed that the Joint Scrutiny Committees support the probable revenue budget for 2011/12 as well as the estimates for 2012/13.