Capital Programme 2011/12 (Revised) - 2014/15
Minute 600 refers.
Additional documents:
In response to a question from Councillor M Wood, the Executive Member for Finance confirmed that support for social housing schemes would reduce to nil in 2014/15. The Council could not afford to continue this provision and it would be necessary to seek alternative funding, such as from section 106 agreements.
Councillor J Wing referred to the Town Centre Environmental Enhancement Programme and expressed concern, as a town councillor, that this had not been promoted sufficiently. He also referred to the mosaics scheme which had not been progressed and other schemes submitted by Ware Town Council which had been rejected as the criteria had been changed.
The Leader responded by commenting that it was up to Ware Town Council to progress the mosaics scheme. As for the other schemes, the world had changed. The Leader believed that the New Homes Bonus would provide funds for town councils to spend as they wished, which was localism in action. He invited all town and parish councils to utilise this funding to support economic development projects.
The Executive Member for Finance refuted Councillor Wing’s suggestion that there had been a lack of communication and commented that £129k in this year’s budget, remained uncommitted and was still available for bidding.
Councillor J Wing took on board the comments and accepted his personal responsibility as a Ware town councillor. He reminded Council that he was in a minority of one.
RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 17 January 2012, be received; and
(B) the new Capital Programme for the period 2011/12 (Revised) to 2014/15 as now submitted, be approved.
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Note – This report contains an Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ which is exempt by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. Any detailed discussion of the contents may require the press and public to be excluded from the meeting.
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report setting out proposals for the Council’s Capital Programme for 2011/12 (Revised) – 2014/15. The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, at their meeting held on 17 January 2012, had supported the proposals.
The Executive Member reminded the Executive of the Council’s Financial Strategy Statement, which had placed a £1m ceiling on the 2014/15 programme for projects to be funded from available capital resources. Therefore, it would be necessary to identify further reductions in the programme totalling £645k.
The Executive Member referred to proposals detailed at paragraph 2.4 of the report now submitted and suggested some amendments, in order to meet the £1m ceiling. These were:
2011/12 £k
2012/13 £k |
2013/14 £k |
2014/15 £k |
Community Capital Grants (consolidation of 4 existing separate budgets)
140 |
100 |
90 |
80 |
Private Sector Improvement Grants
820 |
820 |
820 |
615 |
Town Centre Enhancements
100 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Capitalised Salaries
186 |
188.6 |
188.6 |
0 |
The Executive Member explained that capitalised salaries would be funded from revenue from 2014/15. Town centre enhancements could be funded from the New Homes Bonus. He referred to slippage on various items and indicated that proposals on these would be made in respect of the Healthcheck item elsewhere on the agenda.
The Executive commended the proposals as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 17 January 2012, be received; and
(B) the new Capital Programme for the period 2011/12 (Revised) to 2014/15 as now amended, be approved.
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Additional documents:
The Director of Internal Services provided a financial context for the reports included in the Agenda.
The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report setting out proposals for the Council’s Capital Programme for the period 2011/12 (Revised) to 2014/15. The Capital Programme had taken account of targets for reduced spend from 2014/15, whilst still ensuring that the programme could be delivered as approved last year.
The Capital Programme had been amended to take account of slippage and rephasing. Members were reminded that there had also been amendments approved as part of the Council’s monthly healthcheck process.
The Director of Internal Services advised that a reduction in the call on capital receipts by a further £645,000 was anticipated to ensure that the Capital Programme was limited to a £1,000,000 ceiling that could be met from the Council’s resources. Members were advised that this was based on an assumption on the availability of a £100,000 government grant in 2014/15.
The full Capital Programme was included at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ and Members were referred to the table at paragraph 2.4 on page 15 of the report now submitted, which showed the additional proposals to meet the £645,000 reduction. Members were reminded to consider the scope for local initiatives whereby Town and Parish Council could contribute to making up any shortfalls in grant funding.
In response to a query from Councillor G McAndrew, the Director stated that there had been a mixed take up of previous and current capital allocated grant funding. Councillor J Wing referred to the likely dispiriting impact of cuts in funding for local groups, such as Community and Voluntary Organisations.
The Executive Member for Finance reminded Members that the Medium Term Financial Plan reductions would be in place in 3 years as opposed to the current year. Councillor J Ranger highlighted the sensibility of reducing funding on a phased basis as opposed to making any sudden changes.
The Leader stated that a key benefit of a Medium Term Financial Plan was that the Council had time to work towards a strategy for helping local communities.
The Joint Scrutiny Committees decided to inform the Executive that the Capital Programme 2011/12 (revised) to 2014/15 should be approved as amended by paragraph 2.4 of the report now submitted.
RESOLVED – that the Executive be informed that the Joint Scrutiny Committees considered that the draft Capital Programme 2011/12 (Revised) to 2014/15, as amended by the proposals set out in paragraph 2.4 of the report submitted, should be approved.