Issue - meetings

Review of Constitution

Meeting: 18/05/2011 - Council (Item 13)

13 Review of Constitution pdf icon PDF 36 KB

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The Monitoring Officer submitted a report setting out proposed amendments to the Constitution on a range of issues:


·        Development Control Fees

·        Fees and Charges

·        Land Drainage Functions

·        Council Email Addresses

·        Sunbeds (Regulation) Act 2010


In response to a question by Councillor E Buckmaster, the Monitoring Officer confirmed that existing Environmental Health staff would be trained to undertake duties in respect of the new sunbeds regulations.


Various Members referred to the use of Council email addresses and the circumstances in which they should be used.  A number of suggestions for alternative wordings were made and it was agreed that these be considered further by the Monitoring Officer and be reported back to Council.


Council approved the proposed amendments, except for that relating to Council email addresses.


RESOLVED – that (A) a further report on Council email addresses be submitted to a future Council meeting; and


(B)      subject to (A) above, the amendments to the Constitution, as now submitted, be approved.