Issue - meetings

2011/12 Estimates and 2012/13 Future Targets

Meeting: 06/03/2012 - Executive (Item 672)

672 2011/12 Estimates and 2012/13 Future Targets pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) the estimates for 2011/12 and the comments of the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, be noted;


(B)     the targets, as set out in paragraph 5.1 – 5.3 of the report submitted, to either improve, reduce or retain performance, be approved;


(C)    the data quality spot checks that are currently being undertaken, as detailed at paragraph 6.3 of the report submitted, be noted; and


(D)    the non inclusion of Unit Cost indicators in the list of PI estimates and targets, as detailed at paragraph 7.1 of the report submitted, be noted.


The Leader of the Council submitted a report setting out the performance indicators the Council was required to publish in its Annual Report.  He advised the Executive of estimated performance for 2011/12 and the proposed targets for the next three years.


The Executive approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the estimates for 2011/12 and the comments of the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, be noted;


(B)      the targets, as set out in paragraph 5.1 – 5.3 of the report submitted, to either improve, reduce or retain performance, be approved;


(C)      the data quality spot checks that are currently being undertaken, as detailed at paragraph 6.3 of the report submitted, be noted; and


(D)      the non inclusion of Unit Cost indicators in the list of PI estimates and targets, as detailed at paragraph 7.1 of the report submitted, be noted.

Meeting: 14/02/2012 - Joint Meeting of Scrutiny Committees (Item 613)

613 2011/12 Estimates And Future Targets pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader submitted a report on performance indicators that the Council was required to monitor and publish annually in the Annual Report.  The report advised Members of estimated performance for 2011/12 and the targets for the next three years.


Members were advised that the future targets section of the report had been submitted on the basis that only some of the targets would be for improved performance whilst others were for a reduction and some targets called for no change.


The Scrutiny Committees were advised that the Performance Team often carried out a spot check against certain Performance Indicators (PIs) in order to maintain standards in respect of data quality.


Councillor N Symonds commented that the Authority should liaise with job agencies and other recruitment sources to improve performance relating to employing people with disabilities.  Councillor J Mayes stated that this was an issue that was largely beyond the control of the Authority.


Councillor R Beeching stated his concerns in respect of the anticipated outturn of 57% against a target of 85% for EHPI 2.15 – Health and Safety Inspections.  The Director of Neighbourhood Services advised that he expected the predicted outturn to improve.  He reassured Members that all of the high risk premises inspections would take place and a better breakdown of the figures would be presented to Members in future.


The Joint Committees decided to make the comments now detailed to the Executive.


RESOLVED – that the Executive be informed that the Joint Scrutiny Committees have the following comments on the 2010/11 Estimates and future targets: 


(A)  the estimates for 2011/12 be noted;


(B)   the data quality spot checks detailed in paragraph 6.3 of the report now submitted, be noted;


(C)   the targets detailed in paragraphs 5.1 – 5.3 of the report submitted to either improve, reduce or retain performance, be approved; and


(D)   the Unit Cost indicators detailed in paragraph 7.1 of the report submitted should not be included in the list of PI estimates and targets.