Issue - meetings

Countywide Internal Audit Service

Meeting: 08/03/2011 - Executive (Item 585)

585 A Shared Internal Audit Service pdf icon PDF 87 KB



RESOLVED – that the Director of Internal Service, in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources and Internal Services, be authorised to conclude an agreement with other participating District Councils and Hertforshire County Council to set up a shared internal audit service. 


The Executive Member for Resources and Internal Support submitted a report seeking confirmation of the Council’s participation in the Herts Shared Internal Audit Service.


The sharing of internal audit services had been considered as part of Herts Pathfinder and recent developments had allowed more rapid progress.  The partnership would offer resilience, ready access to a wider range of skills and lower risk delivery of cost savings built into the MTFP (Medium Term Financial Plan).  There was a need to become more efficient and reduce costs while remaining abreast of current best audit practice.


The proposed scheme, which was called SIAS (Shared Internal Audit Service), would be hosted by Hertfordshire County Council.  It would be a collaborative arrangement overseen by participating Councils’ Section 151 Officers.  Each Council’s Audit Committee would have unchanged responsibilities and reporting arrangements.


Some existing staff would transfer to Hertfordshire County Council.  Consultation had begun with staff and Unison and the aim was to start the service from 1 July 2011.


Helen Maneuf of Hertfordshire County Council said the shared service would combine the benefits of an in-house service and efficiencies of a larger organisation.


The Chairman of the Audit Committee said it would be important to have a shared vision and expectations, the new venture should address concerns over the past performance of the County Council audit service and a link officer would be needed to promote a good relationship with the District.


The Executive decided to give authority for the agreement to be finalised.


RESOLVED – that the Director of Internal Service, in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources and Internal Services, be authorised to conclude agreement with other participating District Councils and Hertfordshire County Council to set up a shared internal audit service.