Issue - meetings

Hertford Theatre - End of Financial Year Report

Meeting: 28/08/2012 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 272)

272 Hertford Theatre - Annual Report 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

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The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report which provided an annual review of Hertford Theatre for the year 2011/12.  The Head of Communications, Engagement and Cultural Services referred to the success of the Theatre and summarised the highlights of its first full year of trading from April 2011 to the end of March 2012, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted.


Councillor M Wood agreed that the report was a “good news” story but expressed concern regarding the deficit in relation to the Pantomime and sought assurances that this was being properly marketed.  He referred to the total outturn and expenditure figures for 2011/12 and the net difference shown.  The Head of Communications Engagement and Cultural Services stated that the Theatre was running ahead of its target in the ten-year Business Plan and over-performing against payback timeframes.  He reminded Members of the Theatre’s new vision statement and that a new governance arrangement would be reviewed in a year’s time following a review of best practice.  The Head of Communications, Engagement and Cultural Services advised Members that the pantomime marketing budget was ring fenced.


In response to a query regarding apprenticeships by Councillor G McAndrew, the Head of Communications, Engagement and Cultural Services advised that this had been very successful and it was hoped that the skills of the technical apprentice could be retained in-house. The Theatre Director stated that he was keen on progressing apprenticeship schemes and referred to the successful use of the Theatre’s 76 volunteers. 


In response to a query regarding sharing acts with The Rhodes Arts Complex by Councillor G McAndrew, the Director of Hertford Theatre advised that both theatres were in constant dialogue on this issue adding that one such project would be the introduction of the Art Bus in October 2012.


In response to a query regarding the database of schools, and the Theatre becoming involved in GCSE and A-Level syllabi in terms of performances, the Director of Hertford Theatre advised that there were ongoing efforts to work with schools to co-ordinate on the curriculum.


In relation to marketing, the Marketing and Audience Development Manager provided a summary of the Theatre’s “reach”, its Facebook and Twitter activity, the emailing list, press database and ongoing work with schools and how this compared with the former Castle Hall.


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services referred to the team’s efforts which had contributed to the success of Hertford Theatre over the last 18 months.  He stated that the Theatre was a challenging business to run and referred to the many issues which had been overcome.


The Chairman, on behalf of Members thanked the Officers for their hard work in contributing to the success story.


The Committee noted the Annual Report on Hertford Theatre 2011/12 and thanked Officers for their hard work.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be noted; and


(B)  Members’ thanks to Officers and the staff team  ...  view the full minutes text for item 272