Issue - meetings

Hertfordshire Waste Partnership Inter-Authority Agreement

Meeting: 18/05/2011 - Council (Item 10)

Hertfordshire Waste Partnership Inter-Authority Agreement

(Minute 637 refers)


Note - Members are asked to bring to the meeting their copy of the Executive agendas for these meetings.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) the Draft Hertfordshire Waste Partnership Inter-Authority Agreement, as now submitted, be approved; and


(B)      the Director of Customer and Community Services, in consultation with Executive Member for Environment and Conservation, be authorised to approve minor changes on behalf of the Council.


Meeting: 22/03/2011 - Executive (Item 637)

637 Hertfordshire Waste Partnership Inter-Authority Agreement pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Community Safety and Protection submitted a report seeking authority to adopt the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership Inter-Authority Agreement.


The Executive noted the history of the partnership arrangements as detailed in the report now submitted.  The Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA) was a legally binding agreement which confirmed previous agreements between the County Council and the 10 District and Borough Councils on funding, collection services and long-term disposal arrangements.  The Executive Member detailed the benefits that adopting the IAA would bring.


In response to questions, the Executive Member and the Director of Customer and Community Services clarified a number of issues in respect of the new waste processing facility, the new refuse and recycling contract due to commence in May 2011 and trade waste.  The Executive was reminded that a task and finish group had looked at trade waste issues.


The Executive recommended the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the Draft Hertfordshire Waste Partnership Inter-Authority Agreement, as now submitted, be approved; and


(B)      the Director of Customer and Community Services, in consultation with Executive Member for Environment and Conservation, be authorised to approve minor changes on behalf of the Council.