Issue - meetings

Shared Support Services with Stevenage Council

Meeting: 08/02/2011 - Executive (Item 539)

539 Sharing Services with Stevenage Council pdf icon PDF 41 KB


RESOLVED – that (A) in principle, the exploration of closer corporate management arrangements with Stevenage Borough Council be supported;


(B)     the development and assessment of a strategic business case for sharing support services with Stevenage Borough Council be approved;


(C)    subject to agreement with Stevenage Borough Council, further discussion should take place with North Herts District Council following NHDC’s expression of interest in the shared service arrangements outlined here, provided that agreed timescales can be met; and


(D)    the application to Improvement East for £25,000 to fund this work, be supported.


The Leader submitted a report seeking authority to develop a strategic business case for sharing support services with Stevenage Borough Council.  He also sought in principle support for closer collaboration at corporate and senior management level with Stevenage Borough Council.


The Leader set out the phased approach, which aimed to deliver live partnerships by March 2012.  He referred to the expression of interest from North Hertfordshire District Council and commented that the benefits and risks of widening these discussions would need to be considered, provided that agreed timescales could be met.


The Executive approved the proposals as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) in principle, the exploration of closer corporate management arrangements with Stevenage Borough Council be supported;


(B)      the development and assessment of a strategic business case for sharing support services with Stevenage Borough Council be approved;


(C)      subject to agreement with Stevenage Borough Council, further discussion should take place with North Herts District Council following NHDC’s expression of interest in the shared service arrangements outlined here, provided that agreed timescales can be met; and


(D)      the application to Improvement East for £25,000 to fund this work, be supported.