Issue - meetings

Service Estimates - Probable Outturn for 2010/11, Revenue Budget 2011/12

Meeting: 08/02/2011 - Executive (Item 534)

534 Service Estimates - Revenue Budget Probable 2010/11 - Estimates 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Resources and Internal Support submitted a report on the service estimates.  He highlighted the summary shown at Essential Reference Paper ‘B1’ and congratulated Officers for their efforts in reducing expenditure.


The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, at their meeting held on 18 January 2011, had supported the proposals.


The Executive commended the proposals now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 18 January 2011 be received; and


(B)      the probable Revenue Estimates for 2010/11 and the draft Revenue Estimates for 2011/12 be approved.


Meeting: 18/01/2011 - Joint Meeting of Scrutiny Committees (Item 512)

512 Service Estimates - Revenue Budget Probable 2010/11 - Estimates 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Resources and Internal Support submitted a report on the estimate of all general fund services.  The probable estimate showed a favourable variance from the original estimate for 2010/11.  The use of £10,000 from the Legal Reserve would be required.


The 2011/12 estimate showed a decrease from the 2010/11 estimate.  The use of earmarked reserves was included in the 2011/12 estimate.  The estimates presented did not show recharges of divisional and support costs.


Efficiency savings from the emergency budget in September had been incorporated into the estimates.  Members had been consulted on further efficiency savings.


In answer to a question from Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink, the Director of Internal Services confirmed that staffing efficiencies would involve loss of jobs and staff who left not being replaced.


The Director of Community and Customer Services undertook to provide a written response to Councillor M Wood on the public toilets in Bishop’s Stortford.  He confirmed reductions in the cost of the refuse contract could lead to a surplus for markets which could contribute to overheads.


The Committees decided to make the comment detailed below to the Executive.


RESOLVED -  that the Executive be informed that, the Joint Scrutiny Committees consider the budget variances in the report now submitted are reasonable and the estimates should be approved.