Issue - meetings

Bishop's Stortford 20 20 Vision and Mill Site Brief

Meeting: 01/12/2010 - Executive (Item 427)

427 Bishop's Stortford 20 20 Vision and Mill Site Brief pdf icon PDF 300 KB

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The Leader of the Council submitted a report on the progress being made by the Bishop’s Stortford 20 20 Group, which sought approval for the adoption a development brief for the area known as the Mill site in Bishop’s Stortford.


The Leader referred to “A Vision for Bishop’s Stortford”, which had identified a number of sites which had the potential to contribute to the delivery of the Vision and desired outcomes.  In order to provide a means of positively influencing any development proposals that might come forward for the sites, the 20 20 Group had undertaken to promote the development of a site specific brief for each of these sites, commencing with the area which includes the flour mill.  The Leader emphasised that the purpose of a brief was to set out clear guidelines for potential developers on the local expectations for parts of the site to be retained or developed for the benefits of the town.


The Leader referred to recent communications with site owners and reiterated that the brief was merely an outline, should any development be proposed in the future.  He also referred to a letter from the Mill site owners which had been sent to all Executive Members and provided reassurance on recent speculation expressed in the local newspapers.


In response to a Member’s question, the Director of Customer and Community Services referred to the opening paragraph of the brief, which clarified the area referred to.  He clarified the legal position of the brief, which if adopted, would be a material consideration for development control purposes.  The Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport advised on the context of the brief in respect of the Local Development Framework process.


The Leader referred to further comments that had been received from the 20 20 Group which were of a minor nature and suggested that Officers be delegated authority to make further non-material changes.


The Executive supported the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the work of the Bishop’s Stortford 20 20 group be endorsed;


(B)      the Bishop’s Stortford Mill Site Development Brief, as now submitted, be:


(1)       adopted as the Council’s vision and objectives for the site;


(2)       used for development control purposes in determining planning applications relating to the site;


(3)       used to inform emerging Local Development Framework strategies and policies; and


(C)      the Director of Customer and Community Services, in consultation with the Head of Planning and Building Control and the Leader of the Council, be authorised to make minor and stylistic changes to the Brief arising from further comments received.