Issue - meetings

Refuse and Recycling Contract Options

Meeting: 01/12/2010 - Executive (Item 425)

425 Refuse and Recycling Contract Options (1) pdf icon PDF 264 KB


The Executive considered a report on the outcome of the tender evaluation process for the Refuse, Recycling and Street Cleansing contract.  The Executive Member for Community Safety and Protection advised that the contract had been awarded to Veolia Environmental Services.  The contract would commence in May 2011 and would result in revenue savings of £1.469m.


The Executive was advised that a number of options for a variety of activities were available for inclusion within the contract, if the Council was so minded.  Details of these options were set out in the report now submitted and were considered by the Executive.  It was noted that some of these options, if taken up, would result in additional costs, whilst others were already included within the tendered cost.


The Executive considered each option in turn and supported the inclusion of:


·                    Collection of other plastics (types 1 – 6).

·                    Emptying on-street recycling bins.

·                    Market and Car Park Waste Collection/Cleansing.

·                    Public Convenience cleaning and opening.

·                    Street Washing.

·                    Graffiti removal.


It was noted that the inclusion of other plastics would increase revenue costs by up to £260k and up to £40k capital costs, thus reducing the overall saving. 


In response to Members’ questions, the Head of Environmental Services detailed the types of plastics that would be collected and commented that the public would be advised of examples of recyclable plastic.  He stated that the new contract would have no impact on existing Council staff.


Members wished to place on record their gratitude for the efforts of all Officers involved in the contract preparations.


The Executive supported the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that the following options be included within the Refuse, Recycling and Street Cleansing contract:


(A)                Collection of other plastics (types 1 – 6).

(B)               Emptying on-street recycling bins.

(C)               Market and Car Park Waste Collection/Cleansing.

(D)               Public Convenience cleaning and opening.

(E)                Street Washing.

(F)                Graffiti removal.


(see also Minute 432 below)