Issue - meetings

Independent Remuneration Panel

Meeting: 08/12/2010 - Council (Item 441)

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To receive a report from the Director of Internal Services.

Additional documents:


The Director of Internal Services submitted a report updating Council on progress made in seeking potential recruits to the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP).  Following the decisions taken at the Annual Council meeting on 12 May 2010, Officers had sought expressions of interest and these were detailed in the report now submitted.  The Head of Democratic and Legal Support Services had updated Members on the latest information that had been received since the report had been issued and it was noted that responses to the questionnaire had been received from 9 of the candidates.


The Leader suggested that the size of the IRP be increased to 9 members and that the 9 candidates who had provided responses to the questionnaire submitted, all be appointed.  He further suggested that the quorum for IRP meetings be 5.


In response to a question from Councillor A M Graham, the Leader confirmed that, as each IRP member was entitled to an allowance of £250, this proposal would cost an additional £1,000.  He stated that it would be important for each IRP member to understand that full and active involvement would be required and that confidentiality would need to be observed.


In response to a query on whether one of the candidates, as a current County Councillor, met the criteria, Officers confirmed that the candidate did meet the criteria, as a former District Councillor.


Council approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that the size of the Independent Remuneration Panel be increased to 9 members and the following be appointed:


Mrs N Burdett, Mr P Boylan, Mr B C Engel, Mr D Filer, Mr C Harris, Miss C Lofthouse, Mr D McNeill, Mrs S Newton and Mr J Pool.