Issue - meetings

Castle Weir Micro Hydro Scheme.

Meeting: 01/12/2010 - Executive (Item 424)

424 Castle Weir Micro Hydro Scheme (1) pdf icon PDF 249 KB


RECOMMENDED – that the sum of up to £165,000 be included in the Capital Programme for 2011/12.


The Executive Member for Community Safety and Protection submitted a report on a capital investment proposal for the installation of a micro hydro generation scheme at Castle Weir, Hertford.


The Executive recalled that, this scheme had been raised as part of the refurbishment of Hertford Theatre, when a decision had been taken to request that a business case be developed and considered by Environment Scrutiny Committee.  Such a business case was submitted to the Committee on 16 November 2010, who supported the scheme enthusiastically and commended the business case for the installation.


The Executive considered the business case as now submitted and noted the recent clarification that had been received in respect of “feed in tariff payments”.  In addition to the energy saving and significant carbon reduction that would be achieved, it was noted that there would likely be a high level of public and media interest, as hydro power schemes were relatively rare in the UK.  Also, it was believed that this would be one of the first examples of a community theatre in the UK to be powered directly and to a significant degree by hydro electricity.


Various Members expressed their support for the proposed scheme.


The Executive supported the proposals as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that the sum of up to £165,000 be included in the Capital Programme for 2011/12.


(see also Minute 431 below)

Meeting: 16/11/2010 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 374)

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The Executive Member for Community Safety and submitted a report on a proposal to install a micro hydro generation scheme at Castle Weir, Hertford.   A presentation outlining the benefits of the proposals was provided by the Environmental Coordinator. 


The benefits of the two hydro systems: Kaplan propeller and Archimedes screw were considered.  The Kaplan system was considered preferential because of its ability to take account of low and variable flows and the fact that it could increase the height of the water to make it run faster and thus generate more electricity.  Total costs for the installation of the scheme were between £157,500 to £165,000, but these costs would be offset by the fact that the scheme would pay for itself within seven to seven and a half years.  Further, once the capital had been repaid, the Council would achieve income of around £300,000 over the remaining 13 years of the life of the project.  Officers explained the levels of electricity to be generated and that any excess could be fed into the National Grid. 


In addition to providing power for Hertford Theatre, the system would impact positively on reducing the levels of CO2 generated in that it would create a saving of 60 tons.  This supported the Council’s objectives as agreed in the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.  The Council was also required to report its CO2 figures to the Government. 


The Environmental Coordinator commented that this would be one of the first examples of a community theatre in the UK to be powered directly and substantially by hydro electricity.


Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink welcomed the proposal and the efforts made by Officers in moving this forward.  She was reassured by Officers, that any fish caught within the mechanism would be safety returned to the river.


Councillor P Grethe referred to items such as shopping trolleys and hoovers which had in the past, been discarded in the Weir and of the damaging effects this could have on the “Trash Screen”.  The Environmental Coordinator explained that the Trash Screen was protected by a grid.  He further stated that the system was largely enclosed and would be protected from vandalism.


Councillor N C Poulton queried whether any trash gathered within the screen, would generate any additional cost to the Council in terms of maintenance.  The Environmental Coordinator explained that the Council already had a contract with a company whose function it was to clear various grills and screens in water courses and that this, if necessary, would be picked up within the Council’s current arrangements.


Councillor R Beeching referred to levels of electricity to be generated and supported the Kaplan hydro system at this location.


Councillor G McAndrew queried the financial projections and what might happen should the river levels fall.  The Environmental Coordinator explained that the figures presented had been based on low flows and agreed that flows might change.


Councillor D A A Peek supported the proposal.  He stated that the income generated might even be better  ...  view the full minutes text for item 374