Issue - meetings

East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment (July 2010)

Meeting: 12/10/2010 - Executive (Item 309)

East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment (July 2010)


RECOMMENDED – that the East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment – July 2010 be agreed and published:


(A)   as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base, to inform and support the East Herts Local Development Framework;


(B)   as a basis for informing future Development Control decisions concerning development which affects playing pitches and outdoor sports facilities; and


(C)   as a basis for informing the Sports and Active Recreation Facilities Strategy (part of the Facilities Improvement Scheme) and any Action Plans contained therein.


The Executive considered and supported the recommendations of the Local Development Framework Executive Panel, made at its meeting held on 23 September 2010, in respect of the East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment – July 2010.


RECOMMENDED – that the East Herts Playing Pitch Strategy and Outdoor Sports Assessment – July 2010 be agreed and published:


(A)   as a technical study, forming part of the evidence base, to inform and support the East Herts Local Development Framework;


(B)   as a basis for informing future Development Control decisions concerning development which affects playing pitches and outdoor sports facilities; and


(C)   as a basis for informing the Sports and Active Recreation Facilities Strategy (part of the Facilities Improvement Scheme) and any Action Plans contained therein.


(see also Minute 318 below)