330 Authority to Dispose of Assets by Sale PDF 91 KB
To move that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of item 7, Appendix B on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act.
Additional documents:
(A) in order to expedite the disposal of the Northgate End residential and commercial block, the entire freehold be sold to a sole purchaser with authority to complete the disposal for best consideration delegated to the Head of Housing, Health and Property;
(B) the freehold of Layston Court Gardens, Buntingford be disposed of for best consideration, having regard to the council’s chartered surveyor’s valuation, removal of revenue liabilities the safeguarding the council’s interests in decisions over future use, to Buntingford Town Council with authority to complete the disposal delegated to the Head of Housing, Health and Property;
(C) the freehold of land at West Street (known as Hertford Football Club) be disposed of to the existing long leaseholder, subject to an acceptable disposal price and terms being negotiated, having regard to an independent valuation to which both parties would consent, the removal of revenue liabilities for the council and the safeguarding the council’s interests in decisions over future use, with authority to proceed to disposal with the negotiated price and terms delegated to the Executive Member for Financial Sustainability, acting in consultation with to the Head of Housing, Health and Property.
The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability presented the Authority to Dispose of Assets by sale report which included three assets. He referred to the sale of Northgate End which had already been approved for sale but the recommendation was now requesting it to be sold as a whole block to a single buyer. He said this had many advantages including simplifying the sale process and brought forward the date of the capital receipts which would avoid further borrowing costs. Three options had been modelled and the financial details of these were included in the exempt appendix.
The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said recommendation B related to the proposed freehold of Layston Gardens to Buntingford Town Council and this would reduce the level of council’s debt. Recommendation C was the land at West Street where the football club had asked to purchase the freehold. He said that the site brought in a small income but there were also a number of associated costs that were detailed in the report.
Councillor Brittain proposed that the recommendations in the report be supported. Councillor Goldspink seconded the proposal.
Councillor Dumont said that the football club in Hertford had social value and was a community asset. He sought to clarify that there would be only one potential purchaser and there would be a covenant that they could not demolish and build houses on the land.
The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said there was only one potential buyer and it would be protected as a sports facility.
Councillor Wilson said that he welcomed the proposal for Northgate End and felt it was important to have the commuted sums for more affordable housing. He asked what the economic benefits were of selling the lot in one go and what costs did the council occur at the moment.
The Head of Housing and Health said the detail was provided in the exempt appendix.
Councillor Goldspink said that she welcomed the report and said it was essential to ensure the commuted sums for affordable housing were provided as part of the sale of Northgate End.
Councillor Deering referred to the football ground in West Street and he said that the traffic on West Street was already a problem. He felt that sport was important but traffic had increased after the football club had installed an artificial pitch. He said on behalf of residents of West Street, he raised their concerns about increasing traffic and it was imperative that the council did their best for the residents. He asked if there would be the possibility of a different entity emerging as buyer of the ground.
The Head of Housing and Health said that the buyer would be the existing leaseholder. He confirmed that the recommendation was for the Executive to agree to the principle of selling the freehold subject to negotiations and price.
Councillor Deering said he was not casting aspersions on the football club but said the identity of the purchaser was important in case of any ... view the full minutes text for item 330