Issue - meetings

Corporate Procurement Strategy 2025-2030

Meeting: 18/03/2025 - Executive (Item 7.)

7. Corporate Procurement Strategy 2025-2030 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

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Meeting: 18/02/2025 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 340)

340 Corporate Procurement Strategy 2025-2030 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

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The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability introduced the report which detailed the council’s new procurement strategy. He said that East Herts previously followed the National Procurement Strategy for Local Government 2022, and that the new strategy was underpinned by the Procurement Act 2023, which came into force in February 2025.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said that the new act reformed the existing procurement rules, focussing on cutting red tape, supporting innovation, and improving transparency, which meant that everyone would have access to public procurement data. He said that the new act also simplified the process of working with the public sector, supporting more small businesses to bid for contracts, and aligning with the council’s LEAF priorities.


The Chair thanked the Executive Member for Financial Sustainability for the report.


Councillor Nicholls said that it was really good to see the new policies alignment with the council’s LEAF corporate strategy, especially with regards to transparency as this would help to dispel talk of ‘brown envelopes’. She asked if the new policy would involve more checks and balances, thus creating a longer procurement process. 


The Interim Head of Strategic Finance said that the new process would be different, not longer, with the open market allowing smaller companies to bid.


Councillor Willcocks referred to residents’ comments regarding the waste centre in Bishop’s Stortford and said it would be good for the council to give a better explanation of how money was spent.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said that better/more council communication could be considered, to include social media. He said that the ground markings at the Bishop’s Stortford waste centre were however the responsibility of Hertfordshire County Council. 


Councillor Nicholls asked for further clarity on the strategy’s formula, and how it would offset each of the five principal elements.


The Interim Head of Strategic Finance said that different ratings would be applied, and so the lowest price did not have to be the only factor when bidding.  


Councillor Deering asked if the primary reason for the new policy was the new act which came into force in 2025.


The Interim Head of Strategic Finance said this was the exact reason, and this was also good for the council’s policy.


Mr Sharman said that cost versus other criteria was linked to good process, and the capability for officers to be able to assess and judge. He said that the contract process could be difficult, which made it unattractive to small companies.


The Interim Head of Strategic Finance said that the council had a good shared service procurement team, who were appropriately resourced and professional in their approach. 


It was moved by Councillor Nicholls and seconded by Councillor Hart, that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that (A) the draft Corporate Procurement Strategy 2025-2030 and actions within it as set out in Appendix A be reviewed and the Executive advised of any significant issues.