Issue - meetings

Council Tax Setting 2025/26

Meeting: 26/02/2025 - Council (Item 12)

12 Council Tax Setting 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Please note this report and associated figures are in draft form until the other authorities have set and confirmed their precepts.

Additional documents:


The Chairman said that the final version of the Council Tax report had been published in the supplementary agenda.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability presented the report which calculated the total council tax for each parish.


Councillor Brittain proposed that the recommendation in the report be supported. Councillor Horner seconded the proposal.


Councillor Deering said that he acknowledged the requirement for Council to set the Council Tax rates but reminded Members that the Conservative group had voted against the budget in the previous item.


Councillor Horner said he was pleased to see that the parishes were named correctly.


The motion to support the recommendations having been proposed and seconded was put to a recorded vote and the result was as follows:




Councillors Adams, Andrews, Boylan, Brittain, E Buckmaster, Bull, Burt, Butcher, Carter, Clements, Copley, Cox, Crystall, Daar, Deering, Devonshire, Dumont, Dunlop, Estop, Glover-Ward,  Hart, Hill, Hollebon, Holt, Hopewell, Horner, Hoskin, Jacobs, Marlow, McAndrew, Nicholls, Parsad-Wyatt, Redfern, Smith, Stowe, Swainston, Thomas, Townsend, Watson, Willcocks, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Woolf, Woollcombe, Wyllie (45)








Councillor Connolly (1)


RESOLVED – that (A) the Council Tax resolution, as now submitted at Appendix A, be approved;


(B) the local precepts as set out at Appendix ‘A’ be noted; and


(C) the Hertfordshire County Council and Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire precepts be noted.