Issue - meetings

LGA Finance Peer Challenge

Meeting: 25/09/2024 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 160)

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The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability introduced the report which detailed the findings of the Executive requested Local Government Association Finance Peer Challenge. He drew Members attention to Appendix B of the report, which gave the conclusions of the follow up workshop, and Appendix C which gave the action plan for implementation of the report’s recommendations. 


Councillor Nicholls asked if the Peer Challenge had been a worthwhile exercise.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said that it had been very useful to obtain an outsider’s view and opinion, which gave confidence and ideas to the new administration.


Mr Poppy asked if a full corporate peer review was planned.


The Interim Chief Executive said that the last corporate peer challenge was undertaken in 2018. She said that discussions with the Leader hoped for a review in 2025.


Councillor Nicholls asked if more meetings of the Audit and Governance Committee would speed up the decision-making process and said that further budget scrutiny training would be beneficial for Members.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said that anything which sped up the decision-making process was good and that the Local Government Association provided finance training courses which Members could sign up for.


Councillor Deering voiced his support for the Committee having extra meetings should this speed up the decision-making process and referred to page 73 of the report which concluded that Members required improved financial information.


It was moved by Councillor Deering and seconded by Councillor Nicholls, that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that (A) the action plan at Appendix C which implements the recommendations in the Local Government Association desktop review report and the conclusions of the workshop on the preparation of the budget be endorsed.