Issue - meetings

Ward Freman Pool Update

Meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive (Item 128)

128 Ward Freman Pool Update pdf icon PDF 99 KB


To approve Option 1 as described in para 4.1, continue to facilitate discussions with Ward Freman community pool group and Hertfordshire County Council, therefore continuing with the joint use agreement and remove the management of Ward Freman Pool from the Council’s contract with Sport and Leisure Management Ltd.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability outlined the options available for Members to consider the future use of the pool. He said that the council continued to work with the Ward Freman Community Pool Group and Hertfordshire County Council to try and find funding to keep the pool open. The Community Pool Group had applied to several external funding bodies, but the current agreement could not continue indefinitely and there would be a further review in March 2025 to see if funding had been found.


Councillor Brittain proposed that the recommendations in the report be supported. Councillor Daar seconded the proposal.


Councillor Daar asked if the pool had been drained.


Councillor Brittain confirmed that it had been.


The motion to support the recommendation having been proposed and seconded was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED - To approve Option 1 as described in para 4.1, continue to facilitate discussions with Ward Freman community pool group and Hertfordshire County Council, therefore continuing with the joint use agreement and remove the management of Ward Freman Pool from the Council’s contract with Sport and Leisure Management Ltd.