Issue - meetings

A Listening Council Report - Feedback on consultation

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Executive (Item 79)

79 A Listening Council Report - Feedback on consultation pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


a) that the ‘A Listening Council’ document as amended following public consultation, presented in Appendix A, be approved.


The Executive Member for Resident Engagement presented the Listening Council report. He said that he felt that there was a disconnect between politicians and residents which could be seen in a declining turnout in elections. He said there had been huge cuts to funding which produced a misunderstanding of what the council could and could not provide.


The Executive Member for Resident Engagement said he wanted the public to be involved with knowing what challenges the council faced and the document provided a set of principles with how to interact with the public. He said that the consultation provided largely positive comments and said that good communication would result in money being saved not spent. He referred to examples of successful projects in the report and upcoming projects such as the parking strategy which would involve visits to various towns and villages across the district.


Councillor Wilson proposed that the recommendations in the report be supported. Councillor Daar seconded the proposal.


Councillor E Buckmaster highlighted that the engagement with officers and Members was excellent in terms of the Member Enquiry system. He said he understood the intentions of the report but thought that it was difficult for the council to brand itself as listening as decisions had to be made and the council could not please all residents. He added that residents and parish councils had told him that they felt engagement was worse now than under the previous administration.


Councillor Wilson said he understood the point about branding the council as a listening one. He said the council would be listening if the strategy was done well and let residents know that their concerns were being heard and the council would convey why it could not agree with what they want. He said that listening did not mean agreeing and thought it was possible to achieve.


Councillor Glover-Ward said that planning matters were likely to have decisions made which most people did not agree with. She said however, that she had introduced Community Forums for residents to engage with the council and developers. She felt that this had been extremely valuable and said that people might be unhappy but did not think they were getting communicated with any less.


Councillor E Buckmaster responded and said that he had heard the complaint many times and residents and parishes were not getting responses in a timely fashion.


Councillor Glover-Ward said that she was not getting that feedback but encouraged those who were unhappy to write to her and explain what they’d like.


Councillor Crystall said that the planning process had changed and evolved, and the council had to listen more which was why they had created new forums.


Councillor Goldspink thanked Councillor Buckmaster for his comments and said it was important to listen to everyone’s views. She said the aim of the paper was to indicate to residents that the council wanted everyone to be involved and have their point of view heard and respected. She felt this was a positive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79