Issue - meetings

Political Balance and Committee Membership of the Council 2024/25

Meeting: 15/05/2024 - Council (Item 13)

13 Political Balance and Committee Membership of the Council 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

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The Head of Legal and Democratic Services presented the report. He said that at its annual meeting, Council was required to approve the decision-making arrangements for the discharge of functions.


He said that the Constitution provided that it was the responsibility of the Leader of the Council to determine the Executive arrangements and the Leader’s determination on the size of the Executive for 2024/25, and that the portfolio responsibilities remained unchanged from 2023/24.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services said that appointment to committees and their size was provided in the report. he highlighted that the table at 2.1 should also make reference to the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee, but was unfortunately missed off, this could be seen at page 42, however.


Councillor Hopewell proposed that the recommendations in the report be supported. Councillor Goldspink seconded the proposal.


Councillor Deering referred to the political balance of the Council in the report. He said that Councillor Glover-Ward was no longer a member of the Green group on Hertford Town Council but was sitting on East Herts Council as a member of the Green group. He asked for clarity as to her position as this had impacts on the political balance.


Councillor Glover-Ward responded and said she was a member of the Green Party and a member of the East Herts Green Group. She said she did not sit on the Green group at Hertford Town Council.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services confirmed that Councillor Glover-Ward counted towards the 17 members of the Green group on East Herts Council.


Councillor Smith referred to page 42 and said she was no longer sitting on the Human Resources Committee.


Councillor Crystall said there had been changes on the committees this year and he thanked the Chairmen from 2023/24 for their work. He said he was keen to give other people the opportunity to have a Chairman role.


Councillor Dunlop referred to the HGGT Joint Committee. He said that Councillor Crystall was the nominated person but asked if there was a nominated deputy.


Councillor Crystall confirmed that Councillor Glover-Ward was the nominated deputy member.


Councillor Deering thanked the outgoing Chairmen of Committees for their work and thanked Councillor Andrews for chairing the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and setting the committee off in a good direction.

The motion to support the recommendation having been proposed and seconded was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – That (A) That the Scrutiny Committees, Regulatory Committees and Joint Committees with the number of voting Members listed in paragraph 2.1 be appointed;

(B)  the political balance of the Council at Appendix A be agreed

(C)  the membership and Chairman of Scrutiny Committees, Regulatory Committees and Joint Committees be as set out in Appendix B, with Members being appointed in accordance with the wishes of the political group to whom the seats on these bodies have been allocated;

(D)  That the intention of the Leader of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13