359 Pay Policy Statement Report 2024 - 2025 PDF 66 KB
A pay policy statement is required to be
produced annually under sections 38 of the Localism Act. Regard is
to be had to guidance section 40 from the Secretary of State in
producing this statement.
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The Executive Member for Neighbourhoods presented the report on behalf of the Executive Member for Corporate Services. She said that the council was required to produce a pay policy statement annually under Section 38 of the Localism Act. The pay policy must set out the authority’s policies relating to the remuneration of chief officers and the lowest paid employees.
Councillor Goldspink proposed that the recommendation in the report be supported. Councillor Carter seconded the proposal.
Councillor Carter said the council’s staff had all worked extremely hard and had dealt with huge changes such as new digital services and a new administration. She said as a new councillor, she had appreciated their help and support.
The motion to support the recommendation having been proposed and seconded was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that the Pay Policy Statement 2024/25 be approved.