354 Council Tax Setting 2024/25 PDF 95 KB
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The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability presented the Council Tax 2024/25 setting report. He said the report presented the final council tax bill and was required to be formally approved by Council.
Councillor Brittain proposed that the recommendation in the report be supported. Councillor Adams seconded the proposal.
The motion to support the recommendations having been proposed and seconded was put to a recorded vote and the result was as follows:
Councillors Adams, Andrews, Boylan, Brittain, E Buckmaster, R Buckmaster, Bull, Burt, Carter, Connolly, Copley, Cox, Crystall, Daar, Deering, Deffley, Devonshire, Dunlop, Estop, Glover-Ward, Goldspink, Hart, Hill, Hollebon, Holt, Hopewell, Horner, Hoskin, Jacobs, Marlow, McAndrew, Nicholls, Parsad-Wyatt, Redfern, Smith, Stowe, Swainston, Thomas, Townsend, Watson, Willcocks, Williamson, Wilson, Woollcombe, Wyllie (45)
RESOLVED – That (A) the Council Tax resolution, as now submitted at Appendix A, be approved;
(B) the local precepts as set out at Appendix ‘A’ be noted; and
(C) the Hertfordshire County Council and Police & Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire precepts be noted.