Issue - meetings

Stanstead Abbotts Car Park Charges

Meeting: 13/02/2024 - Executive (Item 341)

341 Stanstead Abbotts Car Park Charges pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


a)    To overrule twenty seven Traffic Regulation Order objections for the reasons set out in Appendix A and reintroduce parking charges.


b)   To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to publish a Notice of Making under the Road Traffic Regulation Act to give effect to the introduction of the tariff structure as shown in Appendix C.



The Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability presented the report to reintroduce parking charges in Stanstead Abbotts. He said that a commercial employer approached the council in 2014 and offered to pay £7,500 a year to cover the pay and display income but they had now withdrawn their funding leading the council to undertake a review. The council’s car parks were operated on a chargeable basis and would ensure optimal use of spaces and encouraging model shift.


Councillor Hoskin proposed that the recommendations in the report be supported. Councillor Goldspink seconded the proposal.


Councillor McAndrew asked if the Executive Member was aware of the unintended consequences of charging for parking as cars would migrate to parking on the side streets.


Councillor Buckmaster said he was also concerned about parking in certain streets and as a county council member, did not want to install double yellow lines to discourage parking when it just moved the problem on. He said he understood why decision was being made but it would have consequences.


Councillor Boylan spoke on behalf of residents as the local ward member. He said Stanstead Abbots was the only village in East Herts that had a council owned car park  and questioned if alternative sources of funding had been explored. He said that there were significant disparities in the charges compared with towns in the district and residents did not think they were being treated reasonably.


Councillor Hoskin said that a parking review across the whole district would be undertaken in the summer to look at anomalies across car parks and ensure fairness. He said the parity would be dependent on the public consultation and there was no alternative funding within the council to cover the costs.


Councillor Boylan said he was not suggesting that the funding should come from the council but was asking about alternative commercial funding. He said it seemed strange to start charging a village a higher rate than a town.


Councillor Hoskin reminded Members that the car park had always been charged for and it had been covered by commercial business. He said that parking was something that the Executive were trying to get right and had an opportunity to be able to bring about changes through attitudes.


Councillor Deering asked the Executive Member to confirm if he had explored alternative funding for the car park.


Councillor Hoskin said it had not been considered at this stage.


Councillor Buckmaster said that not all towns were alike and hoped the administration would prove that they were a listening council through the parking consultation.


Councillor Dumont said he was able to vote for this because he felt able to defend his position with his residents. He felt that this was the only viable option at the current time.


Councillor Hopewell said that she felt, as a someone who did not drive, that the car park prices were fairly reasonable and were cheaper than public transport. She said that there would be no incentive for people to walk if  ...  view the full minutes text for item 341