Issue - meetings

Political Balance and Committee Membership of the Council Update

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Council (Item 260)

260 Political Balance and Committee Membership of the Council Update pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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The Head of Legal and Democratic Services presented the Political Balance and Committee Membership of the Council update. He said there was a slight error in recommendation (b) where it refers to “Appendix B”, it should in fact read “Appendix A”. He said that in line with paragraph 3.3(i) and (k) of the Constitution, Council was required to approve its political balance and allocation of seats and the political balance of the Council has changed since this was last done in May 2023 as there had been changes to the number of councillors within the Green Group.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services said that the new political balance was at paragraph 2.3 of the report, along with the revised allocation of committee seats. The report ensured that the Council complied with its statutory obligations under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and associated Regulations.


Councillor Goldspink proposed the recommendations in the report be supported. Councillor Crystall seconded the proposal.


Councillor Deering referred to paragraph 2.3 of the report and said that the two independent members had been put into a group. He questioned whether they had come together to form a group and whether the group had a leader.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services said that they had been combined in the table for ease of reference and they were not a group. He said the independent members were entitled to have seats on the council’s committees.


Councillor E Buckmaster said he first joined the Council in 2010 as an independent member alongside four others and he said that they formed an independent group. He said it was possible but up to the individual members.


Councillor Nicholls said that the list at Appendix A showed her as a substitute member on the Development Management Committee and this was incorrect.


The motion to support the recommendation having been proposed and seconded was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – That (A) the revised political balance of the Council at paragraph 2.3 be agreed; and

(B) the member of Scrutiny Committees, Regulatory Committees and Joint Committees be as set out in Appendix A be agreed, with Members being appointed in accordance with the wishes of the political group to whom the seats on these bodies have been allocated.