351 Revised East Herts Council Safeguarding Policy and Procedure PDF 404 KB
The Executive Member for Neighbourhoods presented the revised East Herts Council Safeguarding Policy and Procedure. She thanked the officers involved for their hard work and Councillor Boylan for his previous work on the policy and his continuing assistance. She said that the policy was last reviewed in 2020 and the amended version incorporated many changes which were listed at paragraph 2.11 of the report.
The Executive Member for Neighbourhoods said that the Independent Chair of the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Board had reviewed the policy and was very complimentary of it. She said that the new policy had an overview section at the beginning which provided clear guidelines to give everybody confidence in dealing with safeguarding matters.
Councillor Goldspink proposed that the recommendation in the report be supported. Councillor Daar seconded the proposal.
Councillor Deering said the policy was very good and the Conservative group supported it.
The motion to support the recommendation having been proposed and seconded was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – That the revised Safeguarding Policy be adopted.
339 Revised East Herts Council Safeguarding Policy and Procedure PDF 78 KB
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The Executive Member for Neighbourhoods presented the revised East Herts Council Safeguarding Policy and Procedure. She thanked the officers involved for their hard work and Councillor Boylan for his previous work on the policy and his continuing assistance. She said the policy was last reviewed in 2020 and the amended version incorporated many changes which were listed at paragraph 2.11 of the report.
The Executive Member for Neighbourhoods said that the Independent Chair of the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Board had reviewed the policy and was very complimentary of it. She said that the new policy had an overview section at the beginning which provided clear guidelines to give everybody confidence in dealing with safeguarding matters.
Councillor Goldspink proposed that the recommendations in the report be supported. Councillor Daar seconded the proposal.
Councillor Dumont said that safeguarding happened behind the scenes due to the confidential nature of the work. He wanted to praise the team who dealt with safeguarding as they had always taken his concerns seriously and were always quick to respond.
The motion to support the recommendations having been proposed and seconded was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – That (A) the Head of Housing and Health incorporates any amendments to the Safeguarding Policy suggested by the Executive, acting in consultation with the Lead Member for Neighbourhoods, prior to presentation to Council by the Executive Member for adoption; and
(B) the revised Safeguarding Policy be recommended to Council for adoption.