164 Budget monitoring forecast outturn to year end 2023/24 PDF 258 KB
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The Head of Strategic Finance and Property introduced the report which set out the corporate budget for Quarter 1 of 2023.
The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that the net revenue budget forecast overspend of £403k, and the capital programme forecast overspend of £409k. He said that the forecast overspend on Herford Theatre was £2.645 million.
The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that the council continued to centralise credit control and move systems into the cloud. He said that the Icon card payment system was anticipated to go live in April 2024, enabling the Finance Department to become fully responsible for debtors.
Councillor Deering asked for clarification regarding the forecasted overspend for the Planning Department.
The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that each department made their own forecast, and that outturn was generally less than predicted. He said that he was satisfied that the forecasting was robust.
The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that the market supplements offered to new recruits within the Planning Department would cost less than continuing to employ agency staff, and that the council continued to struggle to recruit to these vacancies as there was a nationwide shortage of planners. He said that attempts to ‘grow your own’ planners often resulted in staff moving on elsewhere for higher salaries once they were qualified. The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that the council had made a bid to government around Urban Designers as required for the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Project.
Councillor Deering said that it was good to see that this overspend was trackable.
Councillor Hart asked for clarification regarding the forecasted Hertford Theatre overspend.
The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that the council continued to work with surveyors and contractors and that therefore the Quarter 1 position was not the definite position. He added that phasing of the project may be advantageous and that some purchases/fit out options had been cancelled/ changed because of the effect of inflation upon prices and affordability.
RESOLVED – that A) the net revenue budget forecast overspend of £403k be noted; and
B) The capital programme forecast overspend of £490k be noted; and
C) The forecast overspend on Hertford Theatre of £2.645 million and officer actions to reduce this figure be noted.