165 Monitoring of 2023/24 quarter one corporate risk register PDF 183 KB
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The Head of Strategic Finance and Property introduced the report and said that the risk scores across the register had not significantly changed since the last meeting of the Committee. He referred to the briefing note, which was sent to the Members of the Committee, and outlined plans to move towards a more action focused Risk Register as per Members requests. He said that it was anticipated that this new format would be brought before Members at the next meeting.
Councillor Williamson referred to risk three, and asked if the failure of IT systems was still deemed highly likely.
The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that IT failure risks were to be separated into areas of data loss and cyber-attack. He said that process of moving into the cloud was ongoing, with East Herts in advance of Stevenage Council. He said that the risk and volume of attacks upon IT remained high.
Councillor Deering referred to page 118 of the report and asked if the score attributed to risk two was a suggestion that governance arrangements were not as good as they should be.
The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that risk two considered local economic conditions, including climate change etc and was now too wide and vague. He said that this risk was to be refocused on governance.
It was moved by Councillor Nicholls and seconded by Councillor Williamson, that the recommendations, as detailed be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that A) the 2023/24 quarter one corporate risk register be reviewed, and officers advised of any further action that could be taken to manage risk; and
B) that an update to risk titles be agreed; and
C) that Risk Number 12 ‘Outbreak of disease in humans impacting on service delivery and our residents ‘ is incorporated into Risk Number 13 ‘ Inadequate Business Continuity Plan / Emergency Plan and its impact on the Council and its residents’