66 Learning and Development Review 2022/23 PDF 104 KB
The Human Resources Officer introduced the report which gave a breakdown of training budgets and detailed the courses delivered in 2022/23.
The Human Resources Officer said that the council had launched its e-learning programme which provided staff with mandatory learning modules to complete, and that consideration was being given to adding modules on climate change and display screen equipment (DSE) to this programme. She said that the council continued to fund apprenticeships and staff degrees in Planning.
The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that the number of courses delivered referred to the number of in-house events which the Human Resources Department had delivered, and that therefore external courses attended by individual staff would increase this number. He said that the e-learning programme gave a rich tapestry of training.
The Chairman thanked the Human Resources Officer for her report. She asked which departments had apprentices, and if they lived locally.
The Human Resources Officer said that there were apprentices in Customer Services, Planning and Strategic Finance and Property. She said that she herself had completed an apprenticeship within the Human Resources Department.
The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that adverts for apprentices were placed on the website, but that applicants tended to be local. He said that under the Transformation Programme there was no longer an automatic apprentice budget for each department.
It was moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor Willcocks that the recommendations, as detailed be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that the Learning and Development Review for 2022/23 be considered and any comments be provided.