Issue - meetings

HR Quarterly Statistics Report Q4 2022-2023

Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Human Resources Committee (Item 65)

65 HR Quarterly Statistics Report Q4 2022-2023 pdf icon PDF 315 KB


The Human Resources Officer introduced the report. She said that the Council currently had thirty-one vacancies, twenty-two of which were within the Planning Department.


The Human Resources Officer said that turnover and staff absence had increased from Quarter 3 and explained the acronyms used within the report; RIPA – Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, and PACE – Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.


The Human Resources Officer referred to paragraph 3.5 of the report and highlighted that the comparison data had been updated to that from the 2011 Census to the 2021 Census. She drew Members’ attention to an error in paragraph 4.0 of the report, where the total figure for disabled comparison should read as 13.7% and not 13.6%.  


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that the 2021 Census question relating to disability asked respondents to choose from two options, and that it was worth noting that those who said that their activities were limited ‘a lot’ may be unable to work.


The Chairman thanked the Human Resources Officer for her report.


Councillor Deffley asked if the offer of fixed term contracts had been used to attract recruits to the vacancies within the Planning Department.


The Human Resources Officer said that the council had offered fixed term and permanent positions, and that in the interim agency staff had been used to fill these vacancies.  He said that there was a national shortage of Planning officers, and that generally people wanted permanent contracts. He said that in an attempt to be more attractive, Planning vacancies were career graded and had market supplements awarded.


Councillor Smith asked how the vacancies impacted the workload and stress for staff.


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that the council was currently heavily reliant on agency staff within the Planning Department. He said that it was a challenge to try and convert officers from being agency to permanent members of staff, as agency remuneration was so attractive.  


Councillor Connolly asked how much stress was related to long term staff absence.  


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that staff received regular 1-2-1’s with their line managers and had access to employee support. He said that there was a Stress Risk Assessment in the Council’s Sickness Policy, and where staff were absent for four weeks or more, they were referred to Occupational Health. He said that Human Resources would continue to look at the results from the staff wellbeing survey for patterns.


Councillor Connolly said that this would be a useful exercise. Councillor Deffley asked if the council had insurance against employment tribunals.


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that the council did not have insurance against employment tribunals. He said that this was considered but such insurance was very expensive and it was felt that the Council could defend itself.


It was moved by Councillor Connolly and seconded by Councillor Buckmaster that the recommendations, as detailed be approved. After being put to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65