Issue - meetings

Review of annual licensing activity in the financial year 2022-23

Meeting: 07/06/2023 - Licensing Committee (Item 40)

40 Review of annual licensing activity in the financial year 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 154 KB

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The Service Manager for Licensing and Enforcement presented the annual report to the Committee. He ran through the highlights of the report and referred to the drop in taxi inspections. He explained that the Licensing Enforcement Officers had carried out more out of hours inspections which had reduced the time available in the week to carry out the day to day work. He assured the Committee that taxis had MOTs and the team responded to any complaints.


The Service Manager also referred to paragraph 3.5 and the points scheme for taxi drivers. He highlighted that 30 points had been issued between four drivers.


Councillor Devonshire asked how the taxi licence points system worked.


The Service Manager said that taxi licence points scheme meant that drivers could only accumulate 12 points within a two year rolling period, if they exceeded that number, they would have to attend a Licensing Sub-Committee. He said the council could prosecute drivers but this was time consuming and would not be in the public interest which was why the scheme was implemented. He said that the trade knew about it and no one had come before the Committee in several years so it did work.


Councillor Townsend asked if there was a restriction on where Hackney Carriage vehicles could pick up.


The Service Manager said that Hackney Carriages could only pick up in the area they were licenced.


It was proposed by Councillor Marlow and seconded by Councillor Hill that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED - That Members review and comment on the Licensing activity in the financial year 2022-23.