Issue - meetings

Annual review of licensing activity 2022-23

Meeting: 07/06/2023 - Licensing Committee (Item 39)

39 Review of licensing activity in Quarter 4 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 167 KB

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The Service Manager for Licensing and Enforcement presented the quarterly report to the Committee. He said that the quarterly reports were required to ensure public oversight of licensing activities in the District. He gave an overview of the report and said that the Committee could amend the format of the report depending on what information they wanted to look at.


Councillor Townsend said he was aware that there was a restriction on the number of Hackney Carriage vehicles in the District and asked if there was a restriction on any other types of licences.


The Service Manager for Licensing and Enforcement said that there was no limit on other licences. He said that the cumulative impact could be considered on licence applications but there was not a restriction on their numbers.


Councillor Dunlop referred to the 145 Temporary Event Notices (TEN) that had been received with no objections. He asked the background to this and if there was a lot of work in the background to mitigate the objections.


The Service Manager for Licensing and Enforcement said that a lot of work was done in the background. He said that if the police or Environmental Health had any concerns, they would contact the applicant and have a discussion which could lead to the application being amended or withdrawn. He said that for premises that already had a licence, conditions could be attached to the TEN or agree to put measures in place. This meant that objections were often withdrawn.


The Chairman asked the Service Manager to pass on the Committee’s congratulations to the team for achieving all of their performance targets.


It was proposed by Councillor Townsend and seconded by Councillor Hill that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED - That Members review and comment on the Licensing activity in Quarter 4 of 2022-23