166 2021/2022 Provisional Outturn PDF 156 KB
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The Finance Business Partner introduced the report which set out the provisional revenue and capital outturn for 2021/2022. She referred to the provisional £91,000 surplus in revenue and the £4.1 million of budgets to be carried forward to due to slippage on projects.
The Chairman asked for further information regarding the Shared IT Service underspend. The Finance Business Partner said that this was due to projects not being delivered as expected within the year.
Councillor Huggins asked why there was no capital carry forward for the Ward Freeman pool which had seen no spend for the year. The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that these funds had already been carried forward in full as it was unlikely that Ward Freeman would have had a spend for this year. He said that this could be seen in the Capital Programme for next year, as approved in March.
The Chairman referred to page 9 of the report and asked if the underspend reported against the net cost of services was a symptom of posts being unfilled due to possible changes. The Deputy Chief Executive said that any non-essential posts had not been filled to avoid possible redundancy costs. She said that short term contracts had been used rather than filling vacancies with contractors as this was cheaper and also managed people’s expectations.
The Chairman asked if the level of grant funding seen on page 9 of the report was normal. The Finance Business Partner said that the level of grants received by the council changed every year and this made budgets difficult to set. She said that recent times had been very different due to Covid.
The Chairman asked if the projected decrease in business rates income were a concern. The Finance Business Partner said that the additional Section 31 Government grants were not counted as business rates income.
It was moved by Councillor Alder and seconded by Councillor Huggins, that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that (A) the General Fund Revenue Outturn of £91k underspend to be transferred to the general reserve be noted.
(B) that capital budgets of £4.1 million are recommended to be carried forward to 2022/23 to fund ongoing capital schemes.